2020 in Review: Ignite's Weirdest Year Yet

2020 in Review

While 2020 might not have been the year we all wished for or even expected, it was a year of growth and perseverance. The Ignite Digital Marketing Solutions team grew, gained new clients, helped businesses’ grow in unprecedented times, and we loved every second of it.

In total, we helped 48 companies grow their businesses in 2020.

Below, take a look at what a few of our outstanding clients accomplished this past year and how they helped their communities. Here is our 2020 in review.


McClenny, Moseley & Associates is a law firm based out of Austin, Texas. Specializing in large loss claims, the team of professional and aggressive law professionals helps fight for the policyholder and especially storm victims.

From tropical storms to immensely powerful hurricanes, the MMA team was there every step of the way. One storm, in particular, Hurricane Laura, made quite an impact on the community of Louisiana. Quick to respond, the MMA team packed up their storm restoration vehicle and headed to Lake Charles, Louisiana, to get the ball rolling while helping the locals. Their selflessness and eagerness to help set them apart from other law offices and we are proud to assist them with their marketing needs.


Massage Green Spa of Tallahassee, Florida opened its doors in 2020 and grew its business locally providing a spot for locals to take time for themselves as they encouraged self-care. During the rise of the pandemic, Massage Green Spa Tallahassee gave a portion of their sales from specific packages to give to medical personnel.


Audra Fournier, CEO, and Founder of Partners for a Solution was a trailblazer in her community and continued to provide self-help and business growth tools with her clients during hard times. During quarantine, Audra was able to launch her new workbook, create a new podcast, and announced the launch of her new show, Inside the C-Suite.

To top it all off, Audra purchased a beautiful office building in Tallahassee, Florida, and spent the last few months making it perfect for those who are interested in renting an office space.


The Business Women’s Impact Initiative is a local group in Tallahassee, Florida, founded by women who wanted to network and share in like-minded activities. While the pandemic restricted in-person events for most of the year, the BWII ladies were able to keep the conversations going via ZOOM. Their summer, monthly webinars gave attendees the opportunities to connect virtually while keeping up with their tradition to connect their communities.


Best Version Media, publisher of Neighbors of OxBottom, provides Tallahassee locals with all they need to know about their buzzing community. Through their intricate writing and engaging stories, readers can get a sense of togetherness from just flipping through the magazine each month.

Though this past year had its challenges, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with such talented and driven individuals; and proud of all they have accomplished. I look forward to 2021 and excited to continue growing alongside these business owners.

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